Create text images with shadows, 3-D effects and keyline borders with the ImagEditor's text feature. Or, add text objects to an existing image.

  1. To add text to an image:

    1. Open the image file.

    2. Select Add from the Text menu.

    3. Click the left mouse button anywhere inside the image.
      The Font Selection box is displayed.

    4. In the Font selection box choose the following options:
      1. Font
        Use the scroll bar to move through the font listing. Click on a font to select it.
      2. Font Style
        A sample of the style is displayed as you highlight a style.

        The available styles are:
        Bold Shadow
        Bold 3-D
        3-D Wash
        Bold 3-D Wash
        Bold Keyline

      3. Size
        Select the font size.
        The default is to display fonts by point size. Select Pixels to display fonts by pixel size.
      4. Scalable Fonts Only
        If checked, displays only True Type and other scalable fonts.
      5. Degrees Rotation
        Sets the amount of rotation.
      6. Shadow/3-D Attributes
        Set the depth of the horizontal and vertical pixels.
      7. Center Text
        Press Enter while typing text to center the next line of text. This option does not center the text on the image. Use the Center Horizontallyand Center Vertically options on the Text menu to center text within an image.
      8. Transparent Background
        Hides the background color.

      9. Set Foreground (Foregrd), Middle, and Background (Bkgrd) color.
        For each color:
        1. Click on the Color.
          The Color Pallet is displayed.
        2. Click on the new color.
        3. Click on OK.
          The new color is displayed.
      10. Click OK
        The Font Selection box is closed and a red outlined box is displayed on the image.

    5. Click in the red outlined box to begin typing the text.
      The text matches the attributes assigned in the Font Selection box.

      To edit the text, use the left arrow key or the Text button on the Object toolbar to display the cursor. Move the cursor to the left to reach the letter or letters that you want to edit.

    6. You can also use a pattern for the foreground, middle and background color.
      To add a pattern:
      1. Use one of the selection tool buttons to select the area of an image that you want to use as the pattern.
      2. Select Grab Object from the Area menu.
        The Describe Object box is displayed.

      3. Type a description for the object
      4. Click OK to return to the image.
      5. Select Add from the Text menu.
      6. Click inside the image to open the Font Selection box.
      7. To change the foreground, place the mouse pointer over the current Foreground color.
      8. Press CTRL as you click the left mouse button.
        The Text Pattern box is displayed.

      9. Select one of the following pattern methods:

        Stretch Full
        Stretch Character

      10. Select the object name.
        If you create more than one object, each object is listed and numbered sequentially in the order it was created.
      11. Select the object.
      12. Click OK to return to the Font Selection box.
        The pattern is displayed in the Foreground color area.
      13. Click OK again to return to the image.
      14. Type the text.
        The foreground contains the object pattern.

        ObjectText with Object Pattern

        Repeat the instructions above if you want to change either the middle or background color to a pattern.

      Do not check Transparent Background in the Font Selection box if you want the pattern displayed as the background.

    7. Before you save the image, you should affix the text object to the image. Otherwise the next time you load or open the image, the text object will not be included in the image.

      To affix the text object:

      1. Select Affix a Copy or Affix a Copy of All Objects from the Object menu.
        The text object is copied or duplicated on top of the original text object.
      2. The original text object is pasted permanently on the image.
        You can delete the duplicate object copy or select Object, Save from the File menu. The object is saved as an *.imi file and can be used again in other images.

    8. Select Save from the File menu to save the image.

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